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These feelings only worsened when Tonraq told her that he was banished from the Northern Water Tribe for destroying a spirit forest in an attempt to ward off an invasion by barbarians. Korra, upset that her father had not let her live her own life, acted colder to him on the journey to the South Pole.

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This decision only further convinced the Avatar to take in Unalaq as her spiritual mentor. Korra's relationship with her father suffered tension when, at the Glacier Spirits Festival in 171 AG, she found out that it was he and Tenzin who made the decision to keep her locked up in the Southern Water Tribe compound. After Korra lost most of her bending abilities to Amon, and Team Avatar traveled to the South Pole, Tonraq and Senna anxiously awaited alongside their daughter's friends to see if Katara was able to return Korra's bending, and they later witnessed with pride how their daughter successfully restored Lin Beifong's bending abilities. Korra bade her parents farewell before she embarked on her voyage to the city. They were supportive of their young daughter, enough so to let her travel to Republic City and follow her destiny. They discovered she was the Avatar when Korra began bending water, earth, and fire at only four years old. Korra's parents are caring and understanding of their daughter, and she seems to have a good relationship with them. Korra embraced her parents, Tonraq and Senna, before her departure from the Southern Water Tribe.

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"We love you so much." ― Korra saying goodbye to her parents.

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